Travel Tech Strategies

Content Marketing for Hotels: 6 Tips

How to Make Your Hotel Content Marketing More Effective

You’ve been writing interesting blogs, posting stunning pictures and videos of the local scenery, and your hotel still isn’t making the visibility and booking gains you’d hoped to see. Where are you going wrong? Content marketing for hotels is more involved than some hoteliers may initially realize. Often the problem is not the content itself, but the behind-the-scenes steps powering the marketing strategies.  By making a few specific changes to your marketing approach, you may be able to fine-tune your content marketing strategies for your hotel so you achieve better results.

Define your goals

Content marketing strategies for hotels tend to be much more successful when there are clearly defined goals in place. Specific goals tend to achieve better results, so don’t be afraid to set number goals for your efforts. Are you trying to gain 50 more email subscribers in a month? Maybe you want to increase direct bookings by 30 percent. Once you have clearly defined goals, you can measure your performance and adjust as needed.

Define your audience

Content marketing is most effective when you tailor your strategies for your particular audience.   One of the advantages of marketing a small hotel is that your audience is generally clearly defined. Are you a small boutique hotel catering to couples seeking romance? Maybe you are a family-friendly resort that appeals to travelers with young children or an exciting destination for Millennials seeking an active lifestyle. Once you identify your audience, creating content that engages their interest is much easier.

Limit your content marketing strategies

It may seem counter-intuitive to limit the number of content marketing strategies you use, but there are so many different social networks, video opportunities, and other content marketing strategies for hotels that it is easy to get stretched too thin. Instead of trying to do too much at once, concentrate on content channels that are most popular with your guests. For instance, Millennials and younger travelers gravitate towards video content and Instagram.  Email and Twitter are popular with business travelers with no time to waste. And of course, Facebook remains universally popular. Most hotel content  marketing strategies consist of a hotel blog, two or three social strategies, and a video outlet.

Optimize your strategies for mobile

Travelers today rely on smartphones and tablets rather than desktops or laptops. Every part of your hotel content should be optimized for mobile, from the blogs on your hotel website to your emails and videos. Making sure your content can be easily accessed on a mobile device is just the start – you also need to make sure your content will be found through mobile searches. Verbal searches are frequently used with mobile devices, so make sure you include the longer keyword phrases that are commonly used with phones.

Use a content calendar

Posting an occasional blog or social post is not going to engage the interest of travelers enough to entice more guests to your website (or your hotel!). Content marketing is most effective when it is consistent, but keeping up with a content posting schedule can be challenging when you already have your hands busy running your hotel. A content creation calendar will help you stay on track without having to scramble to fill in last minute posts.

Assess the success of your content

Some hoteliers are surprised to find that data analysis plays a large role in creating content marketing strategies for hotels that really work. Relax, it’s easier than it sounds! Using Google Analytics, Facebook dashboard, and other web analytic programs, you can see which of your blogs, social posts, and other content gets the best response from travelers. Use this information to inform your content marketing strategies going forward. Concentrate on the topics and strategies that work and eliminate any that don’t get a positive response.

If you would like more hotel content marketing tips or expert content marketing services, Travel Tech Strategies can provide everything you need. We offer expert SEO content creation services for hotels, along with monthly social media marketing packages, email newsletter creation services, complete video marketing capabilities, and more. We can meet all your content marketing needs to help your reach your hotel marketing goals.

Contact Travel Tech Strategies today at 954-635-5169 for more tips on hotel content marketing plus expert hotel marketing services to make your hotel more visible than ever before!