Top Hotel Marketing Strategies & Trends
Are you ready for a change within in the marketing avenue of your hotel? Use these beneficial and time-saving hotel marketing strategies to push for higher bookings.
What’s working for someone else for hotel marketing strategies may not always work for you. Have you considered revamping your methods or challenging what you have now? Whether you’re new to the hotel game, or a seasoned veteran, these may or may not be a new trend for you and your blossoming hotel business.
Establish Your Local Presence
When you present yourself and your business image online, you don’t just want to talk about what every other hotel business is talking about. You want to be as specific as possible by using hashtags to define the location of where your photos or content is coming from when addressing your hotel marketing strategies and trends. The best way to establish your local presence is to seek out local business partners within the area that you do business. Restaurants that are located nearby, gas stations and local attractions are all a part of your client experience, and in order to get yourself in the front line of your lead, you must show that you know the surrounding area. When you send guests to these local establishments, you are building brand ambassadors among these businesses.
Hotel Marketing Strategies: Social Media
You may think that an occasional update here and there may catch the glancing eye, but the phrase, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’ still stands to this day. If you have a social media account, use it to its full advantage, posting relevant videos and pictures that catch the eye and bring leads to your table. Social media has a slew of avenues to promote your business; Facebook ads allow you to caption a worthy photo of your business and talk about up and coming promotions and events, displayed in the feed of everyone that happens to be in your area (residing or visiting). Maybe someone is travelling to your area and you happen to be in their newsfeed, offering inspiring incentives – that is a qualified lead you want to capture. This is one of the great travel marketing trends of 2016 that gives you the opportunity to reach out to those that may be traveling to your area.
Know Your Customer Base
As always, before you dive into any marketing on social media, ads, or newsletters, ask yourself this question: do you know your customer base? Thoroughly research your client history; see what your travelers look for when they stay at your hotel. Where are your customers traveling from? Why are they at your hotel? Is this business or pleasure? These are questions that will help target your current clientele and in turn give them and future guests what they are looking for.
It’s not too late to implement 2016 hotel marketing strategies and trends with the help of the experts at Travel Tech Strategies. You can contact us here, and we cab get your hotel business running better than ever through our extensive SEO Services, hotel web design and PPC strategies, hotel guest mining, marketing, and more.
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